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Facebook Advertising

Facebook intro

Facebook is the largest of the social platforms and a particularly important arena to connect with your audience when it comes to Facebook Ads. The purpose of this social network is to enable people to share information and content with others around the world. Facebook is a great tool for achieving large-scale reach, allowing businesses and brands to build relationships with consumers. For marketers, this channel is a dream, as they can easily engage consumers throughout the day.

Facebook ads

The ever-changing Facebook algorithm makes it challenging to connect with the right people organically. To work more efficiently and reach your exact target group, however, you want to use Facebook ads, a tool for which there is a huge market. By using Facebook ads, you will be more visible among those who are likely to want your products or services. Other important advantages are that you can reach the customer where they are, you can choose your own budget, you can test different ads against each other and get measurable results. Another very important benefit of advertising is that the more relevant it is, the less it costs to display it.

However, to achieve the best results and get the most out of your advertising, it's important to know what you're doing and understand the different ad types and targeting options.

Facebook Ads at

Facebook Ads at

Facebook Ads Manager

Before you start advertising, make sure you have created a business page on Facebook. Then, to manage your company's Facebook presence and create ad campaigns, you should set up a Facebook Ads Manager.

Get started with Facebook advertising

Later in the article, we will look at how to create a campaign ad in Facebook step by step.

Goal setting

Start by choosing an objective. Facebook offers 11 different marketing objectives based on what you want to achieve;

Attention Consideration Conversion
Brand awareness Reach Traffic Engagement App installs Video views Lead generation Messaging   Conversions Catalog sales Store visits

The question you should ask to find the targeting that's right for you; What is the most important outcome I want from this ad?

Audience reached through Facebook Ads

The objective is chosen and the name of the campaign is set. The next step is to define an audience. To design a specific target group, you need to use information you already have. Be it age, location, and other details such as demographics, behavior and interests. The choices you make should represent your audience in the best possible way. Remember, effective targeting is key to achieving the best possible ROI (return on investment).

Decide where the ad will be displayed

Furthermore, you must decide where the ad will run. Here you can choose between "automatic placements" and "edited placements". As a beginner, it can be beneficial to use automatic placements, where Facebook does the work of placing ads where they are most likely to give the best possible results. For the more experienced, you have the option to place the ad in more specific locations such as mobile devices and operating systems, platforms and placement on the digital platforms, etc.


Next step, budget! How much do you want to spend on the ad? Here you enter either a daily budget or the total budget, and set the period for which you want to run the ad. It's easy to think that spending more money will give you more visibility - it doesn't (!), so plan well! 

Select format and create your ad

Facebook Ads offers several versatile ad formats, depending on what you want to achieve. The visual effect is extremely important, and you want to capture people's interest. To create an ad that people don't scroll right past, the message needs to hit home and engage.

Fortunately, you don't have to create your ad blindly. By using the preview tool, you can ensure that your ad looks good for all potential placements. Below you'll find an overview of some of the formats you can choose from;

  • Image
  • Video
  • Stories
  • Messenger
  • Carousel
  • Slide show
  • Collection

NB! The formats available will vary depending on the goal you set at the start of the process.

Submit your order

When you are satisfied with the finished product, submit the ad for ordering. Wait for an approval email from the Facebook Ads department. Facebook's ad auction ensures that it is delivered to the right people.

Goals and manage

How do we know if the ad we just created is working? This is where the work begins! As the ad runs, you can use Facebook ad management to track the performance and make edits. Among other things, you can see if one version of the ad is performing better than another, make adjustments and adaptations as needed if you see that the ad delivery is not effective.

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SEO - Search Engine Optimization

We create visibility

A well-executed and maintained SEO will make your company's website rank high on Google for the keywords that are relevant to your business. Through the high ranking, your company will get new customers who choose to buy from you (who is ranked number 1 on Google), instead of your competitor (who is ranked number 3 on Google).

A well-executed and maintained SEO will make your company's website rank high on Google for the keywords that are relevant to your business. Through the high ranking, your company will get new customers who choose to buy from you (who is ranked number 1 on Google), instead of your competitor (who is ranked number 3 on Google).

Google Ads

Google Ads is effective and creates results, as long as it's done right!

Google Adwords, or Google Ads, is Google's advertising system, where anyone can enter and bid for ad space linked to a specific keyword.

With Google Ads, you as an advertiser can reach people who are actively searching for your products or services. By reaching the customer when they are actively looking for products that you offer, it will be much easier to secure sales.

A digital consultation

Increases your competence and helps you on your way
Using digital consultation from us, we will guide you on how your company should use social media, internet and marketing tools, such as Google Ads, Google Shopping and Facebook/Instagram ads.

We create exceptional websites

Online stores and websites
We therefore develop online stores and websites on platforms that make it easy for you to run them professionally. We offer Shopify and WooCommerce solutions, and can of course adapt if there is a need for something else, or integrations between them.

We create unique campaigns

Digital marketing

Using digital marketing and our promotions, your business will experience growth, like never before! We work hard to make sure that all our customers experience healthy and good progress, unique is the word and that's how we work. Not only do we work to create good marketing and advertising, but we specialize in re-targeting and how to get your audience to be as well informed about you and your business as possible. Almost all searches begin at Google.